TV Shows | 5.18.2017

This Is Us – Threshold Elemental Ocean

This Is Us  | Season 1, Ep 15 - Jack Pearson's Son

Kevin’s relationship with his brother Randall has never been close. Kevin was always gregarious, popular, and laissez faire. While Randall was a meticulous perfectionist with over achieving tendencies, and seemingly favored by his mom. Growing up, Kevin was both jealous and dismissive of Randall, while Randall longed to just be noticed by Kevin. In this scene, […]

TV Shows | 3.8.2017

This Is Us-Season 1, Episode 12-Corning Colonial Mist and Dansk Kobenstyle Yellow

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 12

This Is Us is known for introducing complexity and struggle within each character. With every new episode we learn something new about each individual involved in the Pearson’s lives. This specific episode explores the day the “Big Three” are born, from observing Dr. K and his loneliness, to Rebecca kicking Jack out of the house, to […]

TV Shows | 3.1.2017

This Is Us-Season 1, Episode 6-Hobnail Pink Glass

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 6

No one in the Pearson family really knows what Randall does for a living because it truly goes over everyone’s heads. His intelligence and intense focus has continued to drive him since he was little, and this intensity has only grown throughout his adult life into a career that pays well yet is difficult to explain. […]

TV Shows | 2.22.2017

This Is Us-Season 1, Episode 5- Godinger Cream Lace Creamer

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 5

Losing weight is a continuous uphill battle for Kate Pearson yet she is determined to meet her goals, attend her weight loss meetings, and make “nonsense made up food”, according to her boyfriend Toby. In this specific scene, Kate is serving Toby breakfast in bed. A “delicious” breakfast made up of cheese squares and hemp […]

TV Shows | 2.14.2017

This Is Us-Season 1, Episode 12- Pfaltzgraff Hopscotch Dish Towel

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 12

In honor of St. Valentine, we wanted to celebrate tv’s most beloved couple: Jack and Rebecca Pearson. Rebecca Pearson describes her husband, Jack, “He’s pretty much perfect. I’ve seen what else is out there”, and we couldn’t have said it any better. In another touching episode of This Is Us, Rebecca (Mandy Moore) is nearing the […]

TV Shows | 2.11.2017

This Is Us-Season 1, Episode 2- Le Creuset White Kettle

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 2

Unlike his parents, Jack and Rebecca, Randall Pearson loves the refined and sophisticated aspects of life; he drives a Mercedes, wears expensive suits, and lives in an affluent, upscale neighborhood. Randall and Beth Pearson’s love for the finer things in life carries over into their own home. Every item has a specific purpose and adds to […]

TV Shows | 1.25.2017

This Is Us- Season 1, Episode 2- Johnson Brothers Vintage Charm

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 2

Randall’s biological father, William, is starting to settle in warmly with his new family. Sitting at the breakfast table with his two young grand daughters, he discusses the concept of “vices”, and how his vice was cocaine in his younger years. Overhearing this discussion start to turn for the worst, Randall and Beth quickly interrupt the […]

TV Shows | 10.18.2016

This Is Us- Season 1, Episode 3- Threshold Wellsbridge Aqua

This Is Us  | Season 1, Episode 3

Arguably one of the most emotionally riveting shows created for television, This Is Us features a modern day family undergoing modern day struggles; racism, bullying, sick parents, divorced parents, adoption, alcoholism, drugs, romance, weight loss, childbirth, job loss, etc. The ability to portray very common struggles in such an uncommon, relatable style is something creator Dan Fogelman […]