TV Shows | 5.8.2017

Mother’s Week – How I Met Your Mother – Crate and Barrel Brittany

How I Met Your Mother  | Season 8, Episode 24 - Something New

As Marshall and Lily prepare for their move to Italy, Lily unknowingly tells Judy about the move. Marshall’s plan of waiting until Christmas being foiled, he plans an impromptu visit to Minnesota for Judy to see baby Marvin before moving to Rome.

As the visit progresses, it seems as though Judy has no interest in letting Marvin and Marshall move half a world away. Through subtle (and not so subtle comments), Judy is angling to keep close to her boys.

While Marshall attempts to allay Lily’s growing panic, we see Judy owns the Brittany dish pattern by Crate and Barrel. She has the sugar bowl and creamer set on the kitchen table; mugs on the mug rack by the sink, and the rest of the set is visible in her glass front kitchen cabinets. This cheerful pattern features a butter yellow rim and olive branch accents. The perfect pattern for an upbeat, happy mom like Judy.

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