Movies | 2.2.2018

February is for Lovers – Day 2 – Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is obviously THE quintessential movie for February 2. This offbeat movie isn’t your classic romantic comedy, as it part nihilist fantasy, part wish fulfillment, and yes, part romance.

Popular dish patterns were hard to spot, despite plenty of dishes in the diner and many collector plates hanging on the wall.

However, there is one well known, well loved, dish pattern that is used at the Bed and Breakfast – Corelle Abundance. We first see it in a blur as Bill Murray’s character, Phil Conners, first realizes that something is not right. He rushes out of the bed and breakfast, trying to figure out what is going on. Why is the day repeating itself? Later, we get a better shot of the Corelle Abundance carafe, again in the hands of Mrs. Lancaster. In this later scene, Phil has just taken a toaster upstairs, to drop into the tub. Phil was testing whether death would end the repeating February 2nd. It didn’t.