TV Shows | 5.29.2019

American Housewife – Season 1, Ep 16 – Anchor Hocking Annapolis Rocks Tumbler

American Housewife  | Season 1, Episode 16 - Bag Lady

Renewed for a fourth season, our favorite American Housewife will continue to enter our living rooms with brand new episodes this fall.  Until then, we have to be content to re-watch episodes from the first three seasons.  Flashing back to season one, in this scene from “Bag Lady,” Katie learns of the nickname her family […]

Movies | 12.2.2018

While You Were Sleeping – Cristal D’Arques Longchamp

While You Were Sleeping is a feel good rom-com, but also is a fabulous Christmas movie. Set at Christmastime, Lucy, who has no family of her own, is adopted by her fake fiance’s family. This loving family invites Lucy, a perfect stranger, into their home to share in the holiday spirit while fake fiance, Peter, […]